Select the Transfers tab and change the Max Aimster Uploads field to 0.In the main window, click Library at the top.
Gtk gnutella windows manual#

The folder you created should now appear in the Shared Folders window.Click the New Folder button, and type in a name such as " Empty", then click OK.Select the folder where you want to create a new empty folder.Click the Add button under the Shared Folders: box.Select the Settings item from the menu bar.In the window that opens, select all the shared folders and click Remove.Click the My Music button in the main window.Select all the shared folders and click Remove.In the Blubster Configuration Assistant window click the Remove. button.You can turn off sharing during Blubster installation. Leave this folder empty to prevent the sharing of files. It is not possible to completely disable filesharing in eDonkey 2000 or Overnet.