Max payne 3 clues
Max payne 3 clues

max payne 3 clues

  • In two parts of the chapter, the player can decide to not shoot the enemies and let them go.
  • Lords and Ladies makes another appearance, along with the easter egg of the Curupira.
  • There is a small headline during the news shows that Aesir sales grew by 23%, indicating that the company survive despite Nicole's death or just an easter egg.
  • This is the first chapter to feature the use of grenades by an enemy faction, and begin to be deployed against Max at checkpoint 11.
  • #Max payne 3 clues full

    This in addition to Chapter 6, A Dame, A Dork, and A Drunk, is the only time the player can restart a checkpoint and not have Max receive full health.Failing to shoot the IT Tower Sniper in Bullet Time - The IT Tower sniper will take out a grenade and blow himself and Max up.Failing to shoot thugs before they find Passos - Passos will be shot and executed by a thug.Fails to shoot IT Tower sniper in time.Max and Passos failed their primary objective and only thing they have to do is escape. However, he is executed and the money is stolen by the paramilitaries.

    max payne 3 clues

    Passos reveal the new group are paramilitaries who are ex cops and work for right wing and that money guy reveal Fabiana is held in the Tiete hideout and plead for his life. He head in the security room and use the camera to find Passos eavesdrop the new group managed to catch money guy. However, there is another sniper in the IT tower and Max force to retreat inside the stadium. Max decide to chase money guy while Passos head for the chopper for their escape. Max provide sniper fire for Passos who run out of ammo and heading for safety. Max fought more of these guys through the stadium and managed to eliminate another sniper. They soon found the money guy with the new group chasing them, Passos stay behind to provide sniper fire while Max head down to eliminate the guys chasing the money guy. They soon head their way to the commentary box where the sniper is located and fought or avoid the new group. Max and Passos realized that the new group is more equipped than the Commando Sombras. They head upstairs to find the money guy retreating and seeing a new group chasing the CS after the money. They found one heavily bleeding gangster and Passos interrogate him about the sniper, but he died of blood loss and had to deal with his CS friends. They either avoid or fight the CS panicked from the situation. Their objective is to guarantee the guy with the money to be safe or else Fabiana won't be returned. Max and Passos managed to head to the underground to avoid sniper fire, they retreat further until they reach an infirmary where Max ate some painkillers while Passos bandage his wound. However, an unknown assailant interrupts the deal via sniper and shot many gangster dead and wounding Max's arm.

    max payne 3 clues max payne 3 clues

    They decide to accept their ransom at Galatians Stadium and head there by helicopter, Max and Passos meet with the CS who at gunpoint demanded the 3 million dollars money in exchange for Fabiana's safety. The Brancos and their bodyguards are at Fabrcias Branco to discuss the ransom by the Commando Sombra. Max is back in his apartment drunk more as he failed to save Fabiana.

    Max payne 3 clues