Office yoga for back pain
Office yoga for back pain

So you should consider working with a yoga instructor or taking a yoga class when first trying these asanas to ensure proper form. But, if they are not performed correctly, they can aggravate back pain. Dr Shah says that strengthening your hip and core muscles will help improve your posture and reduce the aches you feel. Some yoga poses can help you build a healthier back by improving mobility and increasing strength. Sit on a bolster or a folded blanket to open up your hip area and invite greater rotation at the base of your spine.

Office yoga for back pain pro#

Pro tip: Use props to make this pose more accessible. Breathe and relax into the twist for 30 seconds or as long as your body will allow. Bend your left elbow to 90 degrees and place the back of your upper arm on the inside of your left knee, letting your palm stay open. Let your gaze follow the path of the rotation. Keep your shoulders relaxed, chest open and spine lengthened. Exhale and twist your upper body to the right, away from your left leg. Place your right hand on the floor by your right hip. Bend your left knee and place your left foot on the outside of your right knee. Now fold your right leg underneath you so that your foot comes to the outside of your left hip. How to: Start in a seated position with your legs extended in front of you on the mat. Make sure that you are comfortable with the supine spinal twist before practising this more advanced twisting movement. Some yoga enthusiasts also say that the pose can help improve digestion. The Half Lord pose is a seated spinal twist that lengthens and rotates the upper body to inspire better posture and release tension. As you move into cow pose, the chin drops down but never directly touches the chest. Pro tip: Keep your shoulders relaxed and away from your ears as you move through this pose. Continue to move within your range of motion between cat and cow. Pull your belly button up towards your spine and curve your back into a C shape.

office yoga for back pain

Drop your belly towards the floor as you simultaneously lift the crown of your head and the tip of your tailbone towards the sky. Everything from the top of your head down to your tailbone should align properly in one straight line. The tops of your feet should lay flat on the mat so that your feet are completely relaxed. Make sure that your hands are directly beneath your shoulders, and knees beneath your hips. How to: Start in a tabletop position with your hands and knees on your mat. Doing the cat-cow pose also helps increase postural awareness, to help you stand taller throughout the day. This pose helps to relieve tension through the entire spine, from the upper back, through the middle and lower back and even down to the tailbone and into the hips.

Office yoga for back pain